URBAN REVOLUTION Aurrera! – The Bay Awards premiere

Bilbao Metropoli 30, the public-private partnership for the revitalization of the metropolitan area of Bilbao, has launched the process that will lead to the delivery of the first edition of the first edition of The Bay Awards, which will recognize good practices in the development of cities and urban life worldwide. The premiere of the awards was part of the International Congress “Urban Revolution Aurrera!” which brought together nearly 300 urban planners and people with experience in the strategic management of cities from all over the world on October 25 and 26, 2023 in Bilbao.

The URA – Urban Revolution Aurrera! Congress began with “The Bay Awards Premiere”, an event in which everything related to the awards was announced. This “premiere” was attended by the Deputy for Economic Promotion of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, Ainara Basurko; First Deputy Mayor of Bilbao, Amaia Arregi; the Secretary General of EU and External Action of the Basque Government, Marian Elorza; and the general director of Bilbao Metropoli 30, Idoia Postigo.

Immediately afterwards, the presentations and round tables of the URA Congress began, which took place in the BBK Hall with the interventions of ten people selected as members of the jury of “The Bay Awards“.

The five men and five women -referents in the field of strategic city management- are: Christian Bason, managing director of the Danish Design Center; Gabriella Gomez-Mont, founder and CEO of the nomadic office specializing in cities ‘Experimentalist’; Sophie Howe, first Commissioner for Future Generations for Wales; Geci Karuri-Sebina, professor at the Wits School of Governance and organizer of the African Civic Tech Innovation Network; David Miller, former Mayor of Toronto (2003-2010) and President of C40 Cities (2008-2010); Carlos Moreno, associate professor at the University of Paris Panthéon Sorbonne and advisor to the Mayor of the French capital, Anne Hidalgo; Farah Naz, Climate Strategist who has worked on landmark projects such as Expo Terra Sustainability Pavilion in Dubai; Larry Ng, general curator of the Singapore Pavilion at the UAE Expo 2020; Carmen Santana Serra, Spain’s Urbanism Award 2021; and Charles Landry, international expert on creativity in urban design.

The Director of Social Innovation of the Basque Government, Asier Aranbarri, closed this part of the congress.

The event ended at the Bizkaia BAT Tower, with a networking session and various workshops, as well as a guided tour of the facilities. As a culmination, the “Urban Revolution Aurrera Manifesto” was launched.

Summary publication of the presentations and sessions of the event (PDF)


URBAN REVOLUTION Aurrera! programme

Full photo galley of URBAN REVOLUTION Aurrera!

Press release: Bilbao Metropoli 30 lanza los premios “The Bay Awards” para impulsar una respuesta global a los desafíos de las ciudades

Bilbao Metropoli 30 premiará las mejores ideas transformadoras de las ciudades del mundo (Deia, 10/10/2023)

Bilbao entregará desde este año los premios mundiales de urbanismo “The Bay Awards” (Cadena SER, 10/10/2023)

Bilbao Metropoli 30 premiará los proyectos que apuesten por entornos urbanos sostenibles (El Correo, 10/10/2023)

Tiempo de preparación (Deia, 17/10/2023)

Nuestro modelo de revitalización: una verdadera revolución urbana (Deia, 22/10/2023)

Necesitamos una revolución urbana (El Correo, 23/10/2023)

Bilbao Metropoli 30 inicia la singladura hacia los Premios “The Bay Awards” con la celebración del Congreso Internacional “Urban Revolution Aurrera!” (Estrategia Empresarial, 25/10/2023)

Arranca desde Metropoli 30 la celebración del congreso internacional “Urban Revolution Aurrera!” (Cadena SER, 25/10/2023)

Arranca el congreso ‘Urban Revolution Aurrera’ en el que Bilbao Metropoli 30 reunirá cerca de 300 expertos en urbanismo (Deia, 25/10/2023)

Congreso “Urban Revolution Aurrera” en Bilbao (Deia, 25/10/2023)

Gabriella Gómez-Mont: “Bilbao nos recuerda al mundo que tenemos que pensar en el futuro” (Deia, 26/10/2023)

La ciudad de los 15 minutos con Carlos Moreno (EITB Basque TV, 26/10/2023)

Sophie Howe: “El cambio de Bilbao en 1990 nos debe indicar el futuro” (Deia, 02/11/2023)

Carlos Moreno: “El coche es una droga; la droga de las distancias” (Radio Euskadi, 04/11/2023)

Carmen Santana:”El subsuelo de las ciudades es una jungla” (Radio Euskadi, 04/11/2023)

The Bay Awards sariak BM30ean (Ekonomiaren KZ, 2023ko azaroa)

The Bahía Awards: The urban revolution from Bilbao (Bilbao Hiria, 13/11/2023)

The Bay Urban Visioning Awards reconocerán mejores prácticas de desarrollo urbano transformadoras (ESMARTCITY, 15/11/2023)

“Dejar que se dispersen las ciudades es un error, no funciona desde un punto de vista económico” (Estrategia Empresarial, 16/11/2023)

“Es en las ciudades con mayor densidad poblacional donde se vivirá mejor” (El Correo, 20/11/2023)

More information at https://thebayawards.com