ST3 with Bruce Katz: «Metropolitan Bilbao, maker of its own future»

Bilbao Metropoli-30 organizes the keynote speech “METROPOLITAN BILBAO, MAKER OF ITS OWN FUTURE”, given by Bruce Katz, a renowned international expert on issues of development and competitiveness of cities and head of the housing and urban transition team of the Obama Administration.

The event takes place on November 4th 2022 in the CRAI Library of the University of Deusto (Atrium) in the format of a breakfast-colloquium and will revolve around the importance of new ways of financing of urban projects and the reinforced role of the different public-private collaboration schemes.

This initiative is part of the ST3 (Strategic Trends Think Tank) cycle, which aims to invite top-level international experts to Bilbao to address the uncertainties and opportunities of cities and regions from a strategic perspective.

For more information: Bruce Katz_CV

Interview in El Correo: «Para atraer a jóvenes talentos Bilbao debe ayudarles un año o dos con el alquiler»

Article in Estrategia Empresarial: Bruce Katz aboga por el protagonismo de las áreas metropolitanas frente a los desafíos globales