BasquePro Elkargoak. Intercollegiate networking

Within the activities pursued by the BasquePRO Elkargoak, the professional associations have decided to create an intercollegiate platform to support entrepreneurship, in response to a need expressed by its membership network.

Accordingly, and following the first event involving inter-association experiences held on 30 November last at the province’s bar association – Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacía de Bizkaia -, a new collegiate networking event is organised under the title “Jugando a hibridar proyectos entre profesionales” [Playing around with hybrid projects among professionals], which is held on 25 April at 18:00 at the offices of the Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos [Association of Civil Engineers].

The event is designed to provide a setting for networking and for showcasing the different opportunities that different professions may offer in the creation and development of enterprising ideas, being framed within a season of collegiate networking events within the BasquePRO Elkargoak initiative.