Subcommittees of the Basque Language Advisory Council

In 2016, the governing body of the Basque Language Advisory Council (EAB in its Basque initialism) decided to set up subcommittees with a view to dynamising specific sectors and developing certain areas of interest: Euskaltegiak (Schools for Learning Basque), the Media, and Euskal elkarteak (Basque Cultural Agencies), with the meetings being held on the following dates in 2017:

– Euskaltegiak: as agents for teaching Basque and raising language awareness (17 January, 27 February and 18 May)
– Media: as key agents in communication and information, with a major role to play in raising awareness in the use of Basque (19 January, 9 March and 31 May)
– Euskara elkarteak: as agents for raising awareness and spreading the use of Basque (27 January, 3 March and 26 May)